The shastra was written by Vasubandhu Bodhisattva and was translated by Tripitaka Master Xuan Zang of the Tang
Dynasty in the year 648 AD (22nd year of the Zhen Guan Era). The full title is
“The Great Vehicle Shastra on the Doors to Understanding the Hundred Dharmas”.
“Great” signifies that it is a sum of small items. Vehicle cames from the
ability to taking one across. Hundred is the number of Dharmas in the Shastra.
Dharma refers to the the worldly and transcendental Dharmas that are consisted
of eight mind Dharmas, fifty mind Dharmas, eleven form Dharmas, twenty-four
non-interactive Dharmas, and six unconditioned Dharmas. Hence, the shastra was
called Hundred Dharma Door Shastra.
Consciousness-Only School's hundred dharmas: Entering the Dharma Door of Selflessness via Buddhist psychology. The Buddha speaks all the Dharmas to cure all kinds of mind. If there are various minds, then why would we need all the Dharmas?
Vasubandhu Bodhisattva followed the key principles of the “Yogacarabhumi Shastra” and simplified the Consciousness-Only studies into five categories and hundred Dharmas. This simplification allows beginners to grasp Mind Dharmas, Dharmas Belonging to the Mind, Form Dharmas, Activities Dharmas Non-interactive with the Mind, and Unconditioned Dharmas. Understanding the framework of these five categories enables them to go deeper into the sutra treasury and investigate the origin of the universe’s myriad Dharmas.
Consciousness-Only School's hundred dharmas: Entering the Dharma Door of Selflessness via Buddhist psychology. The Buddha speaks all the Dharmas to cure all kinds of mind. If there are various minds, then why would we need all the Dharmas?
Vasubandhu Bodhisattva followed the key principles of the “Yogacarabhumi Shastra” and simplified the Consciousness-Only studies into five categories and hundred Dharmas. This simplification allows beginners to grasp Mind Dharmas, Dharmas Belonging to the Mind, Form Dharmas, Activities Dharmas Non-interactive with the Mind, and Unconditioned Dharmas. Understanding the framework of these five categories enables them to go deeper into the sutra treasury and investigate the origin of the universe’s myriad Dharmas.