Verse without Marks
Verse Without Marks
By the Sixth Patriarch Hui Neng from Chapter 6 of Dharma Jewel Platform Sutra Sutra: “I have a verse without marks. If you can recite and memorize it, it will wipe away-accumulated eons of confusion and offenses as soon as the words are spoken. The verse runs: A confused person will foster blessings, but not cultivate the Way; And say, “To practice for the blessings is practice of the Way.” While giving and making offerings brings blessings without limit, It is in the mind that the three evils have their origin. By seeking blessings you may wish to obliterate offenses; But in the future, though you are blessed, offenses still remain. You ought to simply strike the evil conditions from your mind; By true repentance and reform within your own self-nature. A sudden awakening: the true repentance and reform of the Great Vehicle; You must cast out the deviant, and practice the right, to be without offense. To study the Way, always look within your own self-nature; You are then the same in kind and lineage as all Buddhas. Our Patriarch passed along only this Sudden Teaching; Wishing that all might see the nature and be of one substance. In the future if you wish to find the Dharma body; Detach yourself from Dharma marks and inwardly wash the mind. Strive to see it for yourself and do not waste your time, For when the final thought has stopped your life comes to an end. Enlightened to the Great Vehicle you can see your nature; So reverently join your palms and seek it with all your heart. 吾有一無相頌。若能誦持。言下令汝積劫迷罪。一時消滅。 頌曰。 迷人修福不修道 只言修福便是道 布施供養福無邊 心中三惡元來造 擬將修福欲滅罪 後世得福罪還在 但向心中除罪緣 各自性中真懺悔 忽悟大乘真懺悔 除邪行正即無罪 學道常於自性觀 即與諸佛同一類 吾祖唯傳此頓法 普願見性同一體 若欲當來覓法身 離諸法相心中洗 努力自見莫悠悠 後念忽絕一世休 若悟大乘得自性 虔誠合掌至心求 |